Guide: Timehop App Shows Your Old Activities on Social Media Sites
Memories. Our present and our future revolve around it. We look back with sadness or woe. And nowadays social networks such as Facebook and Twitter ‘catch’ our memories. More precisely, they record what we do every day that, over time, becomes food for memories. Timehop is a new web service that allows you to relive exactly what you did a year after today. It’s like a social time machine and playback app for your life. Timehop will connect to your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Foursquare account and find out what they have posted on these social networks exactly one year from today’s date. It captures the moment and sends it to the subscriber’s inbox as a reminder via email. The blast from the past can serve many purposes in your present. Here are some examples that immediately struck me:
You can use it as a reality check if you have created a solution and forgot to follow it up You can revisit a place you haven’t been in a while. You can rediscover a fleeting moment of pleasure immersed in time.
Nostalgia does funny things and Timehop hopes to be a catalyst for some of it through the digital lives we spend on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Foursquare. Sign-up with Timehop using your Facebook account and then integrate the other services if you use it. There’s not much more than… no extra settings to configure or personal information to hand out, as Timehop probably gets everything from Facebook. Timehop is extremely simple.
Timehop’s potential in addition to our social profiles
Timehop is interesting because it appears to be a digital diary without effort. It records our thoughts and brings them back to us within a year. You don’t have to deliberately write it down… you already do it in the social profiles you maintain. More importantly, Timehop integrates into the four social networks (with more expected in the future) and brings all of our diverse activities on a common platform. The email reminder is like a daily summary of our past lives. But how does Timehop hope to stand on its own two feet with Facebook’s own timeline now standard rate? Well, it has “four” legs to stand on. More could join the current gang of Twitter, Instagram and Foursquare. Timehop mines digital data that we leave behind and increases their value by sending it to us as an email reminder. Log into Timehop, go back to where you were a year ago and let those memories rejuvenate your life!
Timehop App Shows Your Old Activities on Social Media Sites: benefits
Final note
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