Apple has gone a step farther and dims the screen and reduces the refresh rate to 1Hz instead of merely turning the screen off and displaying the time and notifications. The ProMotion 120Hz panels on the iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max variants allow for 120 times per second of display refresh. Although the smoother, sharper, faster, and more responsive your screen feels, the greater the refresh rate, the more power it uses. The ProMotion 120Hz screens on the iPhone 13 Pro versions are identical, but they lack a refresh rate adjustment feature. Only the iPhone 14 Pro versions have the ability to lower their refresh rates to as little as 1Hz, enabling the AOD’s dark, power-saving appearance. We mentioned below are the steps to enable always on display on iPhone 14 Pro.
Steps to enable always on display on iPhone 14 Pro
Step 1: In the Settings application Step 2: Go to Display & Brightness, Step 3: Then scroll all the way down to the bottom and enable the toggle next to ‘Always On’.
Final Words
We hope you like our article on how to enable always on display on iPhone 14 Pro. Whether battery life is a concern for you or not, you might still think about turning off the display to save yourself from constantly having to stare at it. Apple chose to just install a darker lock screen as opposed to Android’s implementation of an always-on display. If you keep it charging on your desk or by your bed, it can distract you. Additionally, Apple doesn’t let you adjust the brightness of the always-on lock screen, which some people find to be overly bright in particular settings.