Guide: How to Speedup Adobe Pho­to­shop CS6 on any PC

Computer software can be tricky to make, especially since Apple and Microsoft work on different ideologies and their operating system requires different tweaks. But companies like Adobe have found great solutions to get around these problems and their products, like Photoshop, work the same way on a Windows PC as they do on a Mac. Photoshop could be faster | Shutterstock But the biggest problem? Users tend to complain that Photoshop slows down after a few months of use. And this complaint is the same for both Windows and Mac users. So let’s see what anyone can do to make Photoshop run faster and perform better.

Tweaks under preferences

Local cache and history

Press Ctrl + K (or Cmd + K on a Mac) to open preferences for Photoshop on your computer. In the Preferences menu, find the Performance tab that gives you access to information that you can adjust. Under Memory Usage, you need to increase the amount of RAM the machine can spend on the Photoshop process.

You can enlarge or reduce this. Increasing the amount allocates more memory to the Photoshop process, but also reduces memory for other processes that may be running in the background. On the right side, there are two more options namely History State and Cache Levels. The description for both is given below, but the gist of what it says is that the changes will not affect the program until you close it and restart it. You also need to change the cache level depending on the type of project you will be working on. So if it’s a big project with not many layers, turn around up that number. Vice versa for smaller projects with multiple layers.

History State is exactly what it sounds like, Photoshop remembers the last N number of things you did on the tool. Decreasing this number removes those many ‘undo’ that can be useful, but the default value of 20 can be high in most cases.

Scratch discs

Another option in the same preferences menu, a scratch disk should ideally be an SSD on your system. It is also preferable that this is not the primary SSD that your operating system is loaded on. By simply checking the drive under the Scratch Disks menu, you can make this change.

However, the change will not take effect until you restart your computer. Assigning a traditional hard drive as your scratch disk is not a good idea.

Additional ideas for your computer

Speed up your pc: Here’s How to Speed ​​Up-up a Windows 10 PC that can also be helpful for the overall performance of individual programs.

How to Speedup Adobe Pho­to­shop CS6 on any PC: benefits


Final note

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