How to Set Sleep Timer for Music on Android Device – Guide

In this article, we will look at the configuration mechanisms and how to set a timer on your phone. ‘Cause let’s face it, you spend time on your phone right after shower, conditioning your mind that you need to sleep early. Your phone it is itself a pulsating pulse, bothering you the moment you close your eyes and desperately want to get your attention. We would like to consider it as an adult version of parental control and screen time management tools designed for adults. For example, some of us use Spotify to play soothing background music to help us fall asleep or go crazy listening to podcasts while trying to get some sleep. However, we don’t want the music to play all night for fear of draining our batteries and waking us up. up in the middle of the night. Sleep timer helps stop music playing at a specific time. Simply put, a sleep timer serves as a mechanism to help us fall asleep at the right time and also stop using our devices. All devices with sleep timer feature do the same thing and proved to be effective and beneficial.

Exploring sleep timer apps

Here’s how it works.

Final note

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