How To Reverse Image Search On iPhone – Guide

If you’re a content creator, it’s extremely important to keep costs down and protect yourself from copyright lawsuits. One of the most important ways to do this is to learn how to reverse image search. You can use your iPhone to check where an image came from or what the license agreement is. Read on to learn three ways to reverse image search.

Reverse Image Search on iPhone using Safari

Safari, being the default browser app on the iPhone, doesn’t offer an option like Chrome to perform a reverse search while browsing. However, if you have the image on your device (or the URL of the image), you can request the desktop version of Google Images. Follow the steps below to perform a quick reverse image search on your iPhone:

Reverse Image Search on iPhone using Google Chrome

If you want to perform a reverse image search while browsing the web (without having to save the image to your device), we recommend that you use the Google Chrome browser on your iPhone. Here’s how it’s done: If you already have the image on your device, you can follow the steps below:

Final note

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