How to Pin a Comment in Instagram – Guide

Instagram, the most popular photo sharing app on the planet, continues to amaze users with new ones. features. Pinning comments to Posts, Lives, Moments and Stories is one of the great newest additions to the things you can do on Instagram. You’ve come to the right place if you’re looking for instructions on how to post a comment on Instagram. This article explains how to pin comments on Instagram Live, Reel and History in detail.

How to Post a comment on Instagram Live

Instagram’s recent updates make it possible for users to pin comments to their posts on Instagram Live. This is a great way to let people know the purpose of the video, as not all followers can join the live video right from the start. If someone is late, they’ll see what you’re talking about. Follow the instructions below to pin a comment to your Live with an Android device.


That’s it! You’ve now pinned comments to your Instagram Live video. The pinned comment will be located at the bottom of the comments list. You can remove the pinned comment by tapping the comment and selecting “Unpin comment”.


Here’s How to pin a comment to Instagram Live on iPhone: You have now successfully pinned comments to your Instagram Live video. If desired, you can remove the comment by swiping to the right of the comment and selecting “Unpin comment”. Please note that depending on your region, you may not be able to pin your own comment to your live video. You can only be allowed to pin that of your followers.

How to Pin a comment to an Instagram story

Instagram Story is a great way to engage with your followers. In addition to sharing interesting content, you can pin your (or your followers’) comment to make your story more informative. Follow the steps below to pin a comment to Instagram Story:


The comment will now be fixed to your story. If you don’t see an option to pin a comment to your story, you can add a text sticker by tapping the “Aa” icon and writing down the information you want to include in the story.


iPhone users can pin comments to their stories by following the steps below. Depending on the region, some iPhone users don’t have the option to pin comments to their stories. If this is the case, continue adding text using the “Aa” text icon.

Final note

I hope you like the guide How to Pin a Comment in Instagram. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.

How to Pin a Comment in Instagram  2022  - 58How to Pin a Comment in Instagram  2022  - 71How to Pin a Comment in Instagram  2022  - 45How to Pin a Comment in Instagram  2022  - 47