It becomes really irritating for you and everyone else in the voice channel at this point. Discord is a fantastic communication platform, but sometimes individuals go too far. Someone you don’t know may try to contact you, or you may receive too many messages. If they start interrupting you and you need to get away from them, you should know how to block or mute them on Discord. We have mentioned steps below to Mute Discord Users
How to Mute Discord Users
It might be difficult to communicate with others over the internet. It’s tough to communicate tone through writing, and it’s simple to talk over somebody in a voice chat. And if you’re in a voice conversation with someone who’s typing too loudly, eating too near to the microphone, or otherwise making it difficult to communicate, you might want to silence them completely.
Fortunately, Discord has several methods for muting people. You can mute people in voice channels to prevent yourself from hearing what they are saying. If someone is constantly texting you, you can mute them to stop receiving notifications.
Final Words
We hope like our article on How to Mute Discord Users. In most circumstances, we will use Discord’s muting feature; muting is the ideal solution when we want a drama-free experience and a well-deserved break from all that daily tension, providing us complete control over voice channels and messages. So, where and how should we begin muting those obnoxious Discord users? Android Police can provide you with those answers.