How to Manage Notifications on iPad and iPhone – Guide

In general, our computing devices are passive. They do things for us when we click buttons or type the text, but otherwise they just wait for our commands. With the advent of mobile devices, “push” notifications have become a way for our devices to notify us when certain things happen. We can be notified when we receive text messages, phone calls or emails, and our favorite apps show notifications of the latest news, stock prices and sports scores. One problem is that you can get overwhelmed with notifications: you get so many notifications that it’s hard to keep up. up and you finish up ignoring them because you are too busy. Another problem is that if your notifications show sensitive information on your locked device, anyone can see it. Finally, notifications from the website, your Mac’s browser, can be a security risk as they can be hijacked to trick you.

Pruning Notifications

If you are installing a new app on an iPhone, iPad, or Mac and that app can show notifications, you will be asked to allow it. When we’re in a hurry, we can instinctively click or tap on the buttons to get things done quickly without paying attention. However, it’s a good idea to think carefully before allowing apps to show notifications. Every app on your device that can show notifications is listed here. Click on one to see your options. In the image above you can see the 1Password settings. Here are your options:

Allow notifications:

If you don’t need notifications from an app, please disable this option. You should audit your notifications from time to time and turn off any apps you’ve allowed whose notifications you don’t really need. iPassword uses notifications to alert you of app updates and is otherwise not intrusive, but some apps want to notify you frequently.

Alert Style:

You can choose None, Banners or Alerts. Banners are temporary and disappear after a few seconds; I use them with the Music app, which displays a notification whenever a song changes. Alerts, however, remain on-screen until you act on them; I use them for calendar alerts, for example. Use them for important notifications.

Other options:

There are other options, including whether you want notifications to appear on the lock screen in Notification Center and whether you want a badge to appear on the app’s icon in the dock. On a Mac, displaying notifications on the lock screen is probably not an issue unless other people can access your Mac. On an iPhone or iPad, however, you should think carefully about this. For example, you don’t want text messages to display on your iPhone’s lock screen, where anyone can see them, even if you’re on a desk or table, or even on your Mac where a coworker is looking over you. from your shoulder can read them.

Play sound for notifications:

I find it annoying that, by default, many apps want to play sounds for notifications. I deselect this for all my apps. However, on an iPhone, you can set notifications to vibrate only, which I find a great way to know when I get an important text message or email from a VIP.

Show previews:

There are three options here: always, when unlocked, and never. At the bottom of the window there is a default setting to choose whether visualizations are displayed or not, and you can override this for each application. I have mine set to when it’s unlocked so no one can see any sensitive information on screen when I’m gone.

Notifications on an iPhone

To view notification settings on an iOS or iPadOS device, go to Settings > Notifications; these settings are similar. As mentioned above, the iPhone has the option to vibrate instead of playing a sound, and if you are using CarPlay, some apps may also display notifications on your car screen. There is a special notification setting for messages on iPhone. If you go to Settings > Siri and Search > Announce messages, you can choose to announce messages when using headphones. However, this only works with 2nd generation AirPods, AirPods Pro and some Beats headphones.

Notifications from your web browser

Web browsers can also display notifications from websites. This allows them to let you know when there is breaking news, for example. You will see some websites asking if you want to receive notifications. These push notifications come from a website through Safari and appear as regular notifications on your Mac. You don’t need to view the website to get them. The problem with these notifications is that they are increasingly being used to serve ads and can even be dangerous for click fraud and potentially phishing. In Safari, go to Site > Notifications to see which websites have been allowed or denied. If you never want this type of notification, the easiest way is to uncheck the option at the bottom of the window: Allow websites to ask for permission to send notifications.

Final note

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