How to Manage Zoom Meetings with the help of Google Calendar – Guide
If you use Google Calendar and Zoom, there are a few ways to integrate Zoom with Google Calendar. This integration allows you to add a Zoom meeting to a calendar invitation with one click. Google is making its video conferencing product, Google Meet, the default choice for meetings. But that doesn’t mean you can’t use Zoom. You just need to install a free app for it to work perfectly. When you add a Zoom meeting to your calendar invitation, all attendees can simply click on the meeting details and click again to join the meeting. You no longer need to search through emails or enter Zoom to enter. There are two main options for integrating Zoom with Google Calendar: the Zoom add-on for GSuite and Clockwise. Both options are free. Below are the pros and cons of both options, depending on whether you schedule your appointments with your personal or work calendar.
Schedule a meeting in Google Calendar
Edit a meeting through Google Calendar
Final note
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