How to Make/Edit/Use iPhone Memojis – Guide

A Memoji is a new type of emoji that can be customized to look like you. And yes, it’s as fun and silly as it sounds. Much like an emoji, it uses Apple’s facial recognition technology, but instead of representing a unicorn or robot, you can customize it to look just like you. Everything about a Memoji is fully customizable. You can customize everything down to the smallest detail, from the hair color to the freckles. You can have fun with it too. You can try a different look or even make it look like your favorite celebrity. Want to look a little younger? There is also the option to indicate your age. beyond the physical features, there is also a wide selection of earrings, headpieces, hats and eyewear. The coolest part is that you can make all the changes in real time. So if you don’t like the way your memoji looks, you can change it right away. Flexibility is the name of the game. Did we mention that memojis can also move? Welcome to the future. Emojis have come a long way from the smiley face. Type Memojis! Basically, Memojis are customizable drawings that are available with Apple’s latest iOS update. That means you are no longer limited to aliens and unicorns. You are an emoji now!

How to Create/Edit/Use iPhone Memojis

How to create a memoji

How to edit a memoji

Use your Memoji on an iPhone with TrueDepth camera

Use your Memoji without a TrueDepth camera

Use an animated Memoji in FaceTime

Final note

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