They ultimately made it available under an open-source license. Only amateurs and those learning about operating systems really use it today. Anyhow, the system’s default command-line interpreter is rc, which stands for “run commands,” and it’s fantastic. The Bourne shell, from which Bash and the majority of modern shells are derived, has far more complex syntax; rc’s handling of strings and special characters makes it less error-prone overall. Under the term Plan 9 from User Space, several Plan 9 tools, including its incredible rc shell, have been converted to Unix-like computers. Suckless offers a portion of these programmes packaged as 9base. The package repository for your distribution most likely has access to the two. An independent project by Byron Rakitzis saw a reimplementation of the rc shell for Unix-like systems. We mentioned below are the steps to Install Rc Shell in Linux.

Steps to Install Rc Shell in Linux

Installing Rc Shell

Step 1: Copy the Git repository of the Plan 9 tools to your machine. You can do that by installing Git and running the following commands: Step 2: Next up, run the installation script that comes with the repository. This is a simple script that compiles a Plan 9 builder which, in turn, compiles the rest of the utilities. To do this, you need to run the following: Step 3: Once done, you can now use the Plan 9 utilities by going to the repository’s bin directory. Step 4: One important thing to note is that these commands will only work while you are in plan9port’s “bin” directory. In order to use these elsewhere, you need to add this particular directory to your “PATH” variable. To do that, you need to open the“.bash_profile” file in your home directory: Step 5: Add the following string of text at the end of your “PATH” variable: Step 6: Save and exit the file, and restart the rc shell.

Final Words

We hope you like our article on how to Install Rc Shell in Linux. A straightforward and creative command interpreter designed for the Plan 9 series of operating systems is called the rc shell. It is presently a component of plan9port, a collection of Linux-compatible Plan 9 software. With Rc, the default UNIX shell is intended to be improved, and script creation now uses a clearer syntax. Additionally, it is designed to be as easy to comprehend as feasible. Because of this, rc is a useful application for anyone who wants to understand how a shell operates.

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