How to install Brave Browser for Fedora Linux – Guide
The Brave browser is based on Google Chromium, but with features in the visual and security areas. Unlike Chrome, it is an open source browser that automatically blocks ad trackers and cookies. Brave is also called “cryptographic browser” because it uses the Ethereum blockchain which is used to protect user data. HTTP accesses are automatically redirected to HTTPS in Brave browser. In addition, there is an incentive to display advertising. features known as “Brave Rewards”. As the browser is based on Chromium, you can use extensions from the Chrome Web Store.
Steps to Install Brave Browser for Fedora Linux
The steps provided here can be used on Fedora 34, including other RPM-based Linux distros such as RHEL and CentOS 7 and 8.
1. Install dependencies
By default, most of the time Fedora will already have a config-manger tool to enable or disable repositories, however if you don’t, install it using the command given below: s udo dnf install dnf-plugins-core
2. Add Brave browser repository in Fedora
The packages we need to install the Brave browser are not available in the base repository of the Fedora system, so we need to add the official one manually using the DNF configuration manager. sudo dnf config-manager –add-repo
3. Import GPG Key
For security reasons, the Linux system needs to check packages we receive from any repository; to ensure they are from a genuine source, without any kind of alteration. And for that, we’ve added a GPG key signed by Brave developers to their browser packages. sudo rpm –import
4. Run system update
Rebuild the system repository cache to ensure Fedora can recognize available packages in the newly added Brave repo. sudo dnf update
5. Command to download Brave browser in Fedora 34
Finally, we’ve done all the necessary things to install Bravo Browser on Fedora Linux systems. Now, just use the DNF package manager to set up the browser on your system. sudo dnf install brave-browser
Final note
I hope you like the guide How to install Brave Browser for Fedora Linux. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.