How to Insert Alt Text to Images on Facebook – Guide

As TVI/COMS, Facebook is one of our main resources. Where else can you ask a question and instantly get practical help from peers and experts? There are countless professional VI Facebook groups to join everything from groups for TVIs, COMS, parents of visually impaired children, groups for specific eye conditions, groups for specific types of technology for blind or visually impaired users, blind musicians, Camp space for visually impaired students, the list is endless! And yet, VI professionals who post regularly forget to include alt-text descriptions of images/pictures. As a blind or partially sighted TVI, COMS, professional, parent and/or student, we must be the ones to lead the way with accessible posts. After all, we are all too familiar with accessibility and yet image after image scrolls without alt text descriptions in these Facebook groups for and about VI. The alt text (full format: alt text) of an image is a brief written description of the image that makes sense of the image when someone cannot see it. The main reason to add alt text to images is to improve their accessibility. Screen readers read alt text instead of images, making them accessible to people who are blind or visually impaired.

How to Add alt text to images you upload to Facebook

You can add alt text to your images using the Facebook app as well as the web version of Facebook. we will show you how to add alt text in both interfaces.

How to Add alt text to images in the Facebook app

How to Add alt text to Facebook images on the web

Final note

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