This includes smart TVs that don’t require Ethernet cables to run through walls, DIY-installable home security systems, and lighting alternatives that just weren’t available in the past. Everyone should be aware of how to enhance internet speed on their Wi-Fi network given the number of devices that rely on the same connection. We frequently put a lot of demands on our routers, and they are continuously improved and made more powerful. But occasionally we question whether our router is connecting us to the internet as quickly as it possibly can. The router occasionally slows down to the point where it is obvious something is wrong. You want to get value for your money if you pay more for “high-speed internet.” We have mentioned steps below to Increase Internet Speed on Wi-Fi Router

5 Ways to Increase Internet Speed on Wi-Fi Router

Automate a Reboot Schedule

Most newer routers do not need to be rebooted on a regular basis. But as most people know, rebooting the router is often all that is needed to restore the Internet connection once it has been interrupted. However, if you need to reboot the router regularly, the DD-WRT and Tomato firmware options have scheduled reboot options. Set the router to reboot once a day while you sleep, and you won’t even notice the downtime as the router powers down and powers up again.

Change the Channel Width

What about the best router settings to improve speed on your local network? For example, how can you make a video stream between your devices faster? The best router configuration for local speed often involves changing the channel width. The wider the width, the more older devices with older protocols suffer from interference. You can even go a step further and read our article on channel bonding for Wi-Fi routers.

Change Your Router’s Location

It’s not just about finding the best router settings for fast Internet. You also need to consider where your router is placed in your home. Since the router competes with all the other 2.4 GHz and/or 5 GHz devices in your area, small movements often make a huge difference. Also, the building material of your home can interfere with the wireless signal. Solid concrete walls, for example, are notoriously difficult for a Wi-Fi connection to penetrate.

Purchase a newer, high-end router

The biggest problem hindering the Wi-Fi connection in your home might be your outdated router. Fortunately, buying a new router offers numerous benefits, so you’re not just investing in faster Internet speeds. A new router also gives you improved security features for your home and is compatible with a wider range of devices. Added security and compatibility help homeowners who want to automate their home or make their network more secure.

Reset your router

Resetting your router can sometimes make your internet faster, despite how simple it sounds. Rebooting your wireless router can solve internet connection issues and improve speeds, just as restarting your computer can mysteriously fix computer problems.

Final Words

We hope like or article on how to Increase Internet Speed on Wi-Fi Router. Slow internet is one of the few things that can make a perfectly rational person furious. That tiny buffering icon might cause irrational outbursts. A creepy website can make you feel like there is no hope left. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to make sure that your home has faster, stronger Wi-Fi, and many of them won’t set you back any money.

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