Guide: How to Improve Battery Life of Windows 10 PC
Like its predecessors, Windows 10 also comes with a whole lot features to improve the timing of the battery, including a completely new Battery Saver optionAdditionally, the Anniversary Update and the new Creators Update also came with some changes to help you get more time from your laptop battery However, if you are looking for even more up time or your battery does not have enough charge, then there are some ways to deal with it. Apart from the built-in energy-saving options, I know a lot more tweaks to reduce Windows 10 battery consumption and below I share them all with you.
1. Turn off UI animations and shadows
Windows 10’s UI consists of a lot of animations and shadows to make it look cool, but you can turn them off to save batteryHere’s how: Now the Windows UI will be smoother and lighter on the battery.
2. Turn off wireless signals
Wireless signals such as WiFi or Bluetooth consume a lot of battery power because they require special hardware components to operate continuously. Just switch to the wired connection can help save energy. To connect to the internet, you can use ethernet cable and if a device is running on Bluetooth, go for the cable-based option (eg switch from wireless headphones to wired headphones).
3. Turn off background apps
Lots of the Windows 10 native apps run in the background for information upto date. But they also drain the battery even when you’re not using them. Nevertheless, Windows 10 has a special section to enable / disable these background apps: Only the background process will be disabled, the app itself works fine.
4. Manage startup apps and services
You can disable the unnecessary startup apps and services to conserve battery power. To check how to do it as follows:
5. Shut down some CPU processors
You can disable some CPU cores to save batteryTo give you a rough idea, if you have a 5-core PC and you usually just surf the Internet or play media files, disabling 2-core shouldn’t hurt your work. Here is how to do it: Since processors are in a passive state when not in use, you only save battery power that they use in their passive state (which is quite low). So you may not see a dramatic increase in battery life.
6. Prevent your PC from heating up
Heat can cause a lot of problems on the PC, and faster battery drain and a permanent decrease in battery life are one of them. Lithium ion batteries (most commonly used today) discharge faster when heated because ions flow faster. So if you need heating laptop has lithium-ion battery, the battery will drain faster Overheated PC should never be overlooked believe me I made this mistake and my laptop’s battery became useless in less than two months. Check out my guide On how to prevent a PC from overheating and cooling down to troubleshoot overheating issues.
7. Check for battery drain problems
You can use a Command Prompt command to view information about apps and processes that may be consuming too much power, as well as recommendations on settings to increase battery life. Let’s see how to use it: You will be amazed at how much information it can provide. Even if you don’t have a problem, it will still happen offer custom tips to save energyAnd remember, if you don’t understand nothing; Google is your friend.
8. Using a 3rd party battery optimization app
Although Windows built-in battery optimization tools are good, but there are some third-party battery assistants available which are much more powerful. They can provide real-time battery monitoring and advice for the best experience. From the party, I like it Battery optimizer like it specially made to extend the overall life of the battery while also saving energy. The app will first ask for your permission to scan your PC to create a detailed report of what can be improved. After the scan, you will see a custom list of features and hardware components that you can disable / enable to extend battery life. It too shows the total battery time you can gain by accepting a recommendationVery useful for creating a balance between battery life and requirements features
Aside from all this, it too monitors your battery usage to provide more insightYou can see the battery charge and discharge pattern and even be notified when the battery is draining faster than normal.
Along with all these methods, you should always use standard energy saving methods in Windows 10. Like, allowing automatic power saving feature when the battery is low, switch to energy saving plan, keep the brightness low and the laptop go to sleep automatically if left inactive for 5-10 minutes. The usual power saving options are always the most effective, but if you want even more battery life, you can follow the methods I’ve listed.
How to Improve Battery Life of Windows 10 PC: benefits
Final note
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