How to Get B.C. Vaccine Passport App for iOS and Android – Guide

The BC Vaccine Card will have an individualized and secure QR code and an image showing the vaccination status as “vaccinated” or “partially vaccinated”. Businesses will scan QR codes from a QR reader app using a smartphone or tablet, while also verifying a person’s identity (BC driver’s license or BC Service Card or Passport or photo ID issued by another province or territory). BC says a mobile The QR reader app for businesses will launch for iPhone and Android around the beginning of September 13, 2021, the date that at least one dose of vaccine is required. Starting September 13, you will need at least one dose of vaccine to enter the following locations for those born in 2009 or earlier (12+): The British Columbia government says the BC Vaccine Card Verifier app will be available for download from the Apple App Store for iPhone users and from the Google Play Store for Android smartphones, as the system will be similar to what is currently available in Quebec , where a QR code app will be available for residents and a QR reader app for businesses. Stay tuned as we will update this post according to the download links as they go live. From the news

Final note

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