How to Fix ‘Verification Failure Error’ Issue on Android 11 Device – Guide

We found that Play Services seems to be the culprit for uninstalling and reinstalling on several phones allowed us to permanently reload Google apps. Google Play services handle most APIs that apps can connect to and provide notifications, security checks, location data, and so on. So we initially suspected that something went wrong with an update. However, as it turns out, the verification error is an intentional change meant to make Android more secure. It is part of the new “App Integrity” checker, which ensures that updates are only installed from a predefined source like the Play Store. Read more about the change and its impact in our coverage. However, if you are using an Android 11 device, you may not be able to download these Pixels features and default apps for your other Android devices as Google has introduced a new verification check that allows only apps from official sources to be installed on a device. So this becomes an obstacle for sideloading Pixel apps and features. If you try to install something from an unofficial source, you will get the verification error message.

Fix a verification bug in Android 11

In this method, we will reinstall Google Play Services to fix the verification error. Due to reinstallation, you may need to add your Google backup account again and drain your battery in the first few hours. Now that we’ve said all that, let’s jump to the stairs.

Final note

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