How to fix the Registration for this event is not available error – Guide

However, a downside of this change was that some players, who previously enjoyed playing in other regions, no longer have access to them. They were completely turned off. This has become a major issue in the gaming community, now known as PUBG Region Lock. So for those wondering what is the point of region locking? The answer is quite simple. Developers wanted to improve their game servers and get rid of the hacker plague that was ruining the game. So the PUBG region-locking thing became a thing.

How to fix error Registry for this event is not available

Allow anyone to register, not just those you’ve added to your guest list.

Update your guest list

Your event is private and you, or the person trying to register, is not on the guest list.

Adjust your registration limits

Your registration may be restricted by an IP address or email domain. Make sure the guest has what it takes to pass, or remove the limits altogether.

Check the guest’s contact record

Accounts with a setting called “Contact Mail Key” enabled require invitees to enter their name and email exactly as they appear in the invite list.

Increase your record type capabilities

If you only have one admission item and registration type in your event, and the registration type reaches the maximum capacity, invitees will not be able to register.

Make sure the source ID matches a contact record

If you are identifying guests by Source ID, they must be linked to a record in your Address Book.

Make sure custom fields match when using a custom process

If you’re assigning record types using a custom process, the custom field responses in the event must match the custom field responses in Admin. Also, if an attendee does not meet the criteria for the custom process, they will also receive this error message.

Check the application prerequisites

If you are requiring attendees to attend past events, they will receive this error message.

Final note

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