Steam is undoubtedly one of the most popular gaming apps that lets you do much more than just play games, for example, you can even create games and discuss them in the Steam community. While some games are free to play, many advanced games come at a price. However, to be part of the Steam community and play, create or discuss games, you must have a Steam account. We have mentioned steps below to Fix Steam Captcha Not Working on Windows

Ways to Fix Steam Captcha Not Working on Windows

Clear Data & Cookies of Your Browser

Change Your Browser

If clearing the cache doesn’t work for you, there might be problems with Steam and the browser you are using. You can create your Steam account in a different browser. Here are some alternative browsers for you:

Toggle off VPN

Final Words

We hope like our article on how to Fix Steam Captcha Not Working on Windows. Steam is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, store for buying video games. If you have played PC games such as Counter Strike, Rust, TF2, DOTA 2, etc., you will be familiar with Steam. The usual procedure to get a game from Steam is to log in with your Steam account and find the game you want.

How to Fix Steam Captcha Not Working on Windows - 90How to Fix Steam Captcha Not Working on Windows - 97How to Fix Steam Captcha Not Working on Windows - 57How to Fix Steam Captcha Not Working on Windows - 41