How to Fix iPhone Keeps Connecting And Disconnecting From Mac – Guide

Integration into the Apple ecosystem has its advantages. All devices can seamlessly interact with each other. But what if the connection between your iPhone and your Mac is constantly interrupted? This could be due to an issue ranging from a bad cable to software conflicts. Recently, many users have encountered the problem of connecting and disconnecting their iPhone when connected. The problem is not just limited to iPhones as iPad users have also reported similar issues. There could be several reasons for this. In this blog, we will see the steps you need to take to fix the problem. First of all, you should always check the hardware, i.e. the ports, cables and the iOS device itself. This will save you a lot of time trying to fix a software issue on your PC or Mac that is actually caused by a faulty cable or phone.

How to fix iPhone keeps connecting and disconnecting from Mac

Start with basic troubleshooting

Before performing more complex solutions, do some basic troubleshooting.

Reset location and privacy settings on your iPhone

Here it is how to run this fix:

Restart usbd to fix iPhone keeps disconnecting

Here it is how to kill the usbd process using Terminal app: Here it is how to stop the usbd process through Activity Monitor:

Reset SMC on your Mac to fix iPhone disconnection

Here it is how to reset SMC on your Mac:

Reset Your Mac’s NVRAM Settings

Here it is how to reset NVRAM on your Mac

Final note

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