However, as a Steam Deck user, you are likely to encounter several issues with the GTA V game, as several GTA 5 players have reported that the game on Steam Deck is crashing or not launching. Don’t be concerned if you’re also a victim of this problem. Fortunately, we’ve shared a couple of possible workarounds that can assist you in quickly resolving the startup crashing or game not launching issue. It appears that Steam Deck users were overly excited about the game to play, but the game’s performance isn’t fruitful, which is frustrating enough. We have mentioned ways below to Fix GTA 5 Error Code 7002.1

Ways to Fix GTA 5 Error Code 7002.1

Restart the Game

One of the first things you can try is to restart the game. This could be a temporary issue that can be resolved using this method. This is one of the simpler steps. It is possible that the game will not launch as planned. As a result, error codes are generated. Restarting the game will relaunch the game in the expected manner.

Verify your Game files

Corrupted game files could also be the cause of the error. This can be extremely frustrating because if the important files become corrupted, you may have to completely reinstall the game. This can be fixed by running the launcher and verifying our files. If we verify our files to the launcher, it will scan the game folder for missing, corrupted, or deleted files before reinstalling the file. This can give us confidence that our files are not corrupted.

Update the game or verify the game files

Final Words

Wep hope like our article on How to Fix GTA 5 Error Code 7002.1. The Rockstar Game Launcher error code 7002.1 can occur with either the GTA 5 or Red Dead Redemption 2 games. Although these are the two games where users are most likely to encounter the error, it can occur in any other Rockstar game. There are numerous factors that can contribute to the error.

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