How to Enable Android Color Correction on any Smartphone – Guide

Android color correction feature It is very helpful for people suffering from color blindness. If you have any eye related medical issue then it will be of great help to you as regular users don’t use this feature A lot of. Is there a way you can enable this color correction feature on your android phone. Color blindness is a rare phenomenon, but it certainly doesn’t mean that people who are experiencing this problem should be seeing everything in black and white. It may also happen that you see a color more prominently, so that some see red more than green and vice versa. on an android phone, you can see settings like deuteranomaly, protonomaly, and even trinotomy. In the case of Deuteronomy it so happens that they see green as red. If a red color looks green, it’s called a protonomaly. If you can’t differentiate between yellow or red and blue and green, it’s called tritanomaly.

understanding color blindness

Before jumping to guide, we need to understand the various types of color blindness that can happen. It is usually a rare phenomenon to find someone who cannot distinguish a certain color. Although medically the term blindness is used, it is more like a color recognition deficiency. The person is not blind. He can see everything like everyone else, but he can’t distinguish certain colors, or sometimes any color at all. Our eyes have a retina which consists of light sensitive cells. These cells work to understand various wavelengths of light and decipher the various visible colors. When these cells and their components do not recognize the various colors, then, in turn, the person cannot distinguish the same color. As of now, there is no permanent cure for color blindness. We will explain these visual anomalies for which Google’s Android Color Correction feature offers a temporary solution when using smartphone.

Types of color blindness that color correction can help overcome

First, let’s talk about Deuteranomaly. In this deficiency, a person sees the color green as red. Then comes Protanomaly which is just the vice versa of Deuteranomaly. A person with this anomaly will see anything colored red as colored green. Next comes Tritanomaly. In this medical condition, a person cannot distinguish between blue and green color. Also, it cannot differentiate between yellow and red color. When you try to enable Android Color Correction Feature, then you will see three options for these three anomalies. So, depending on your disability, you can choose an option. So the smartphone UI layout will compensate the color scheme in such a way that the person who is deficient in a certain color or color combination will not feel it. There are many other medical conditions related to color blindness. One of them is monochromacy, where the affected person cannot see any color. Unfortunately, Android’s color correction feature has no option for this problem or other color blindness conditions.

How to Enable Android Color Correction

Now, let’s get into the process of enabling this feature. Too easy.

Final note

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