How to Edit Keyboard Shortcuts in Photoshop – Guide

Although Adobe Photoshop comes with a comprehensive collection of keyboard commands, you may find that a function you use often doesn’t have a keyboard shortcut. This is mainly due to the fact that most typical keyboard combinations have already been allocated to Photoshop tasks and there aren’t enough of them. Fortunately, Adobe has made it possible to set and reassign keyboard shortcuts in Photoshop. we will teach you how to accomplish this in this guide.

How to change them

Step 1 – Open the Keyboard Shortcuts and Menus dialog

To get started, choose Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts…, type Command-Option-Shift-K (Mac) or Crtl-Alt-Shift-K (Win), or choose Window > Desktop > Keyboard Shortcuts and Menus… to open the Keyboard Shortcuts dialog box.

Step 2 – Locate and choose the item for keyboard shortcut assignment

The purpose of creating custom keyboard shortcuts is to change an existing one or assign a keyboard command to a function that doesn’t have one. In my case, I use the Crop command often to prepare blog graphics, but Crop doesn’t have its own keyboard command, so that’s the one I want to use. Crop is in the Image menu, so let’s choose Application Menus from the “Shortcuts for:” menu in the Keyboard Shortcuts dialog, then open the Image submenu in the Command column of the Application menu and scroll down to find Crop.

Step 3 – Assign the shortcut

Click on the empty text box and hold down the various modifiers, letters, numbers and function keys you want to use. I’ll start with Option-Shift-Command-C, which seems like a relatively easy command to remember for Crop. However, when I do that, I get an alert that this combination is already in use, and if I want to use it, this combination will not be used for its original assignment: So at this point you have a choice – try a different combination or accept the current one and deactivate your previous assignment. That’s it up for you, really – if the feature already assigned is one you don’t use much, feel free to change it. If, on the other hand, you don’t like the idea of ​​disabling the default commands, keep trying different combinations until you find one that hasn’t been assigned – when you do, you won’t see the alert:

Step 4 – Save the task

To save the new keyboard shortcut assignment, just click OK. If you’ve assigned a new keyboard shortcut to a menu item, you’ll see this new assignment in the menu: This new assignment will remain assigned even if you exit and restart Photoshop, but it will not survive resetting Photoshop preferences, for example. To permanently save the task, click the Save button button next to the Define menu: You will be prompted to save a new set of keyboard commands in Photoshop’s keyboard settings folder. You can use the default name of “Photoshop Patterns (Modified)”, but it makes more sense to give it your own name. Once you do this, these commands will take effect until you choose the original default commands, or a different set, from the Define menu. And, if you’ve created a lot of custom commands and want to use them on a different system, just copy the set from Photoshop’s keyboard settings folder and move it to your new system’s keyboard settings folder to make them available on the new system. system.

Final note

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