How to Edit iPhone’s App Icons – Guide

If you use the same few apps every day, there’s a good chance your icons will get burned into your memory. This is great for building muscle memory, but not very visually appealing. Fortunately, the new versions of iOS and iPadOS include a feature which allows you to change almost any app icon to any image. You can even rename the apps, which is great if you have nicknames for your favorites. Apple’s iPhone is arguably one of the best smartphones out there, but owners may find it difficult to make their iPhone stand out in a sea of ​​nearly identical home screens. However, thanks to iOS 14, Apple is allowing users to create custom app icons so they can finally call their iPhone their own. Apple’s iOS 14 introduced a wide range of new features and functionality for your iPhone, from the library of apps to home screen widgets. It also introduced a feature that flew a little under the radar: the ability to change app icons on your iPhone. This is a simple tweak, but it’s not immediately clear How to do this, as Apple does not disclose the feature compared to other iOS 14 additions. It’s possible, with Apple’s built-in Shortcuts app. They won’t actually replace the icons the apps came with, but they will create separate shortcuts that lead to the app. It is a tedious and time-consuming process, but in final you can have a fully customized iPhone home screen.

How to Customize your iPhone app icons

Final note

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