Guide: How to Disable Tum­blr Top Posts

Tumblr offers one of the coolest platforms for blogging. And thanks to blogging feature, first-class poles will move like wildfire in no time. But what about direct visitors – wouldn’t you wish they could see your best work immediately? You can’t just expect people to scroll down indefinitely and come across the best posts you’ve published, right? That’s where Top Posts come into the picture. Thanks to this latest feature from Tumblr, your blog now automatically lists your best posts up on the top. But you have control over what can be seen up as a top post? What exactly is considered a top post? What if you get it featureRead on to learn everything you need to know.

So what are top posts?

Basically, Top Posts displays the most popular posts from your blog that have been published at any time in the last three months. Users can simply tap on the preview pane that appears just below the header of your blog to open it up a special Top Posts page, where they can then view twenty of your craziest things. However only mobile visitors should see them – desktop users can’t do that for now.

What criteria must a post meet in order to display up under the Top Posts page? Tumblr states that purely by the number of comments (a fancy word for comments) a message has received in the last three months, with at least one comment in the last two months. Therefore, those with the most replies are ranked, with the top twenty considered Top Posts. Note: If you’ve blocked people from commenting on your posts, you better hurry up up and turn it on if you want to see your messages up under Top Posts. Tumblr doesn’t just rank your original posts, it also lists all the cuisines you run. But when it comes to the latter, Tumblr only counts the new comments you receive immediately, not the original comments the post already had.

Do I have any control?

It would have been great if you could control what exactly was there to see up as a Top Post. But unfortunately, Tumblr doesn’t allow that. In any case, an option to delete certain posts and make way for other published posts – for those you would have liked to get more attention – would have made all the difference. Maybe something like this is in the works, so don’t give up up hope still.

Can I turn off top posts?

As useful as Top Posts can be, there are several reasons why you should use the featureYou may not want your visitors to be distracted by the Top Posts preview window, or you may not like certain posts, such as 47.0s. up There. Fortunately, Tumblr allows you to disable Top Posts feature pretty easy. Note: You must use the Tumblr for Android or iOS mobile app to disable or enable Top Posts. Tumblr doesn’t offer a way to do that on a desktop. Step 1: Open the Tumblr app and tap the account icon.

Step 2: Select the blog you want to edit and tap the Settings icon.

Step 3: Scroll down to the bottom of the Settings screen and turn off the switch next to Show top messages.

Mobile visitors should no longer see a Top Posts section when looking at your blog. If you have the feature, just go to the Settings screen again and turn on the Show Top Messages switch again. Note: Disabling Top Posts only affects the specific blog you selected before going to the Settings screen.

What if you are a visitor?

When it comes to browsing Tumblr, Top Posts can be a great way to check out the most popular posts on your favorite blogs. If you feature however, to deduce it is unfortunately impossible to get rid of it. The Show Top Posts switch in the Tumblr settings only works on your own blogs and doesn’t act like a switch to turn Top Posts on or off when viewing other blogs. But you can always consider posting or sending a question (or even an anonymous question) to a blog admin and try to fix it. featureSomething along the lines of how distracting it is could do it trick

Exposure can be good … or bad?

Extra familiarity with your best posts can be extremely good. How many times have you seen popular posts get buried under dozens of other posts and 47.0s? The lack of control over what exactly is on display up can be quite annoying, not to mention Top Posts that act as potential distractions from newer posts. That’s why it is ultimately up it is up to you to weigh the pros and cons when it comes to using the featureAnd Tumblr made it easy to turn the thing on or off, right? So feel free to experiment.

How to Disable Tum­blr Top Posts: benefits

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Final note

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