What is ClassDojo App?

ClassDojo Messaging is a beautiful, instant, and secure way for teachers and a parent to communicate privately with each other. Parents and teachers can read and reply to messages from websites or mobile apps. In addition to sending messages, teachers can send photos, stickers, and voicemails to parents. The content of all messages (including photos, stickers, and voicemails) is stored by ClassDojo. All messages are sent within the ClassDojo service, are encrypted (sent over HTTPS using 128-bit TLS), and do not use SMS.

Guide: How to Delete Messages on the ClassDojo App

ClassDojo has three user groups: teachers, parents, and students. Communication is of course, more than encouraged here. The app comes with a messenger that allows the teachers and parents to communicate with each other. If you accidentally send a message to the wrong person, make a ridiculous typo, or make another mistake, you can quickly delete the message.

Delete a message as a teacher

As a teacher, you want to appear as professional as possible. After all, you are in charge of people’s children, and they take this seriously, sometimes more than necessary. Removing a message from a ClassDojo chat is easy. Simply navigate to the message you want to delete wherever it is and hover over it. A small X mark should appear to the left of the message in the top corner. Click on the X button then confirm the deletion. On the mobile/ tablet app, you have to touch and hold the given message. Then remove it and confirm. Some other chat apps allow you to delete a message this way, but it will remain visible to other users. On ClassDojo, this action removes the message from your feed and the parents.

Delete a message as a parent

While most chat apps give roughly the same permissions to every party involved, ClassDojo isn’t among them. With ClassDojo, the teacher has more control over the app than the parents. After all, it’s about the teacher’s class (virtual or otherwise). Therefore parents cannot delete messages. You also need to be extra careful about what you type as a parent, as the teacher can see the full chat history. It’s best to be respectful and professional regardless of your role.

Download chat history

Teachers can download the entire chat history in just a few easy steps. Go to your profile to download a complete chat with a class or with a parent. To do this, go to the top right corner of the screen and click or tap the profile icon.

Then navigate to Account settings followed by the Messages tab (located on the left side of the screen). Find the Download message history option and click To download next to this option.

A screen should appear listing all of the classes you are teaching. Below is the list of parents you have chatted with. To download all messages in a chat, tap a class name or parent name. You will then see a prompt about downloading chat history.

Message Privacy and Parental Access

Keep in mind that ClassDojo respects your messaging privacy and the teacher who receives the message is the only one who can see it. While other parents are likely to be in the class, they cannot see your correspondence with the teacher. Although you can request the message history, as a parent you do not have direct access to it. You can get the history of a particular correspondence with a teacher by contacting ClassDojo support at [email protected]. However, if you need access to chat history, it is recommended that you contact the teacher directly to avoid any awkward situations.

Delete ClassDojo messages

Only teachers can delete messages on ClassDojo, whether they are textual items, photos, or stickers. Teachers can also delete entire chat histories. While there is no official confirmation, we can hope that ClassDojo will give parents the same privileges in the future.

How to Delete Messages on the ClassDojo App: benefits

Final note

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