How to Delete History of Google Assistant on Android Smartphone – Guide

After public backlash and legal action, Google had to reform the way it controls users’ privacy. Many options were hidden and therefore ordinary users did not know what is stored or how to delete this. Now, you can easily delete Google Assistant history including all voice queries you have made. You probably already know that Google stores everything. Literally, all remotely connected activity is stored in the cloud, including every command you give your Google Assistant that is recorded. Of course, you can easily disable all activity tracking options including Assistant, YouTube, Web and App History. If you want to end a certain conversation or even your entire Google Assistant history, we’ve got you covered.

How to delete Google Assistant history via iPhone

You can easily delete Google Assistant history on your iPhone. Just see the quick steps: This is How to delete your full Google Assistant history.

How to delete Google Assistant history through Android

You can easily delete Google Assistant history on your Android phone. android phones has more advanced feature on your Google services. Just see the quick steps: This is How to delete Google Assistant history.

How to delete Google Assistant history through Desktop

You can even delete Google Assistant history from your desktop browser. Just see the quick steps:

Final note

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