How to create AWS Lambda function – Guide
As an alternative to EC2 instances, many developers are turning to AWS Lambda. A Lambda function can be created in two ways. AWS Lambda streamlines and accelerates software development and maintenance for teams. Users do not need to manage any servers with AWS Lambda. They have the ability to automate complicated operational routines and application components. Serverless infrastructure is the term for this type of configuration. Lambda functions, which include a granular piece of code that performs a specified operation, are the main features of AWS Lambda. Users load source code and set parameters like these to implement a Lambda function: triggers sversions saliases smemory spermissionsDatabase proxies for virtual private cloud (VPC) concurrency targets Handling errors in Elastic File System In that tutorial, let’s show you how to use the AWS Serverless Application Model and launch the Lambda functions from the AWS dashboard (SAM).
How to launch Lambda functions from AWS console
There are many ways to launch Lambda functions. The simplest uses the AWS Management Console. Developers specify source code using the integrated development environment in the UI. From here, configure other settings, such as identity and access management (IAM) permissions or environment variables.
Step 1
An easy way to create an AWS Lambda function is through the Create function button on the Lambda console. The console method adapts to early stages of development rather than production applications.
Step 2
After clicking on the Create function button, the next screen shows various options for the function code. Familiarize yourself with all these options for working with Lambda functions: For this example, select Author from scratch to create the role.
step 3
After creating the Lambda function, add any other settings in the console. Options include triggers.
How to use AWS SAM
The console is a quick way to get started with functions, but it’s not recommended for production-level applications. The console does not provide a consistent, automated way to initiate and maintain Lambda functions at different stages of deployment. It also lacks an easy way to version code and handle potential rollback scenarios. The vendor recommends AWS SAM for deploying and maintaining Lambda functions. SAM provides a mechanism to develop, test, configure, and maintain functions using infrastructure as code. The SAM framework defines roles using a template in YAML format. Function and deployment tests occur through the command-line interface. This approach allows application teams to follow CI / CD best practices. The configuration parameters mentioned above can go in a SAM template. Follow these best practices in the SAM approach:
Final note
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