How to Create and Run Shortcuts in macOS Monterey on Mac – Guide

The addition of shortcuts in macOS Monterey has been available on iPads and iPhone since iOS 13 and will certainly make a huge difference in terms of efficiency for Mac users. Although iPhone and iPad users are already familiar with shortcuts, it is a new addition. and very welcome to macOS. We’ll give you an overview of what shortcuts are and how they work, followed by how to create your own shortcut. If you’re not familiar with shortcuts, it’s all about streamlining processes to streamline your workflow. You can choose from a list of pre-built shortcuts or create your own. They can contain multiple steps and can be chosen to run when you want them to run or scheduled to run automatically. You can even mix and match the pre-built shortcuts to create new ones. In short, shortcuts should be as personalized as you need them to be to make them work for you.

How to build a shortcut

How to Creating quick actions

How to run a shortcut

Final note

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