Guide: How to complete a Web Design Project Faster and Better

(This branded content is brought to you by BeTheme As freelance web designers gain experience, it becomes easier for them to take advantage of opportunities for additional work. Consequently they become busier. If you fit into this category, you have undoubtedly felt the need to work better and faster. Not having to work on a schedule, other than the one you have set up for yourself or agree with your clients, is a situation that many other professionals would envy. The same goes for not having to post up with a micromanaging boss looking over your shoulder. When you’re alone, you don’t always bring an efficient mindset to the table. This can be a recipe for disaster. Ultimately, you notice that you work long hours, but miss deadlines. And lose a customer every now and then. You may feel discouraged, but it is up up to you, and you alone, to improve the way you work. Possible causes of your situation: Using the wrong tools à ¢  ?? A ?? Why waste 2 hours installing a regular WordPress theme, when you can do it with 1 click. If you work with this very popular theme, you will be done in no time.Agree to work with difficult clients à ¢  ?? A ?? You’ve probably been there. Working with customers who are never completely satisfied can take your time.You don’t prioritize your tasks à ¢  ?? A ?? Or you don’t work according to your own priorities. Working on your time management skills and putting the extra effort into organizing your tasks can turn this problem to bed.

Complete projects faster and better with ready-made websites

We’ve already mentioned how much time you can save by being able to install a WordPress theme with a single click. Let’s take it a step further and take a closer look at the time and effort savings you can save when working with pre-built websites. There are currently 230+ of these pre-built websites, and the number is increasing every month. They provide clear principles à ¢  ?? A ?? Just pick one and start customizing. It’s that easy.Just one example of a great looking pre-built website that, with a little imagination, can be transformed to suit even a freelancer’s portfolio.You can skip the mockup phase à ¢  ?? A ?? This will save you a lot of time. If your client doesn’t have internet knowledge, you can give them a pretty accurate picture of what their website will look like. Save you both the time and effort it would take to explain how a wireframe or mockup should work.You are not faced with technical problems à ¢  ?? A ?? No coding or special technical skills are required when working with pre-built websites. You don’t waste a day trying to find out how to change a header. Pre-built websites help you minimize risk and maximize results. Not only can you deliver beautiful websites, your customer also knows what to expect. No surprises, no post-processing. Let’s analyze the key moments you will encounter when building a website with a WP theme. We’ll see how and where Be’s pre-built websites save you time and help you deliver quality. Be Digital ensures a great presentation website for any creative agency Maybe you haven’t calculated how much time you normally spend finding a WP theme for a client. Give it a try. Don’t be surprised if you find it taking much longer than you thought. Don’t forget to include the hours spent on working change requests. Or explain things if the client does not understand what can and cannot be changed. If you have more than 230 prebuilt websites to choose from, you can quickly reach a decision in two ways: By taking the short route. Find the ready-made websites related to your customer’s category. This will take a few minutes at most. Run an analysis to see which one works best for your customer in appearance and featuresThis may take a little longer, but it is still well spent;A pre-built website intended for an e-book. Any type of e-book. Or you can take a little more time to analyze all the pre-built websites belonging to different categories. With Be, any pre-built website is easy to customize and convert into whatever you want. These pre-built websites are visual concepts. Their goal is to inspire, not limit your creativity. For example, you can take a ready-made photography website and create a creative agency website with a great portfolio. Think about the time you usually spend on changes. With pre-built websites, that time can literally be cut from hours to minutes. And if your first decision isn’t exactly what your customer is looking for, you have over 230 alternative solutions to show them off. If you’re looking for a ready-made one-page website, Be Parallax has that clean, minimal look that’s sure to have a good impact on any audience. If your client is hard to please, or doesn’t know exactly what they want, and you find yourself constantly jumping back and forth with new ideas, installing a pre-built website requires no coding skills and takes just 2 or three clicks . Your time spent can be calculated in minutes, not hours. To draw up a workable plan, nothing else is needed than the use of pen and paper. By doing this, you will avoid wasting time wondering what to do next. If you’re using a pre-built website, you can skip wireframes and mockups and get started right away. Start with a basic grid, select a layout, choose from over 20 header styles, upload the logo, set the agreed-upon design elements, and you have a working prototype ready to show to your client. Be Xmas2 is an elegant pre-built website dedicated to an event. With a little imagination it can be transformed into any event à ¢  ?? A ?? a conference, a theater show or a music festival. You’ll find that the powerful, easy-to-use Muffin Builder 3, or Visual Composer, makes page-by-page customization a breeze; whether it is to change text, images, headers, etc. Shortcodes allow you to create detailed design elements such as infographics, boxes, content blocks, typography and a host of other useful design items. Shortcodes allow you to fill in the details once you’ve customized a ready-made website to fit the big picture you have in mind. To access a shortcode from a list, just click on “add item”. Be is so versatile that it even has a ready-to-use car website. This can be a really inspiring starting point. Before you start delivering your website, you want to make sure your customer can start working on their content marketing strategy right away. The Be a team as has already been done to ensure that the website is SEO compliant. The prebuilt website you started with works perfectly with the most popular SEO plugins. After all, if you work with the best tools on the market, everything seems to go much better.

Take away ideas

To find a solution, you must first understand the problem and its cause. If you find yourself not cooking at full blast, and you experience periods when you know that you are not using your time properly, then the tool or WP theme you are using could be the cause. Or the way you organize your tasks. Give Be Theme’s pre-built websites a try. They give you a clear starting point, and you have more than 230 to choose from. You can skip wireframes and mockups. Your customers will love it. You don’t need any programming skills or technical skills. Good imagination is enough. You save a lot of time à ¢  ?? A ?? on any project.

How to complete a Web Design Project Faster and Better: benefits


Final note

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