How to clear history of YouTube on Android, iOS and web – Guide

Google probably knows more about you than you do. All the searches you’ve performed on YouTube – even the embarrassing ones you’d like to keep private – are logged by the search giant. Now imagine if someone discovers your dirty secrets, the damage to your image will be irreparable. Every video or search you watch or do on YouTube is saved in your YouTube account history. This may be useful for some users. However, others may find this offensive. YouTube is one of the most used video sharing sites in the world. It has an infinite treasure trove of videos about anything you want to research. While it’s easy to watch and rewatch the same content on YouTube, one of the main draws is the app’s ability to record what you’ve searched for or watched in the past. However, there is an easy way to stop YouTube from collecting your history and saving what you’ve watched in the app so far. In addition to deleting your entire search history, you can also remove individual search entries from search suggestions or pause your search history. But before that, remember that once you clear your search history, you won’t be able to get specially tailored suggestions in the search box, and you won’t be able to check what you last searched for in the app.

How to Delete YouTube history from web app

To clear YouTube web app history, follow the steps below.

How to Clear YouTube History from Android and iOS App

Just like we did the YouTube history deletion in the YouTube web app, we can do the same in the YouTube app on Android. However, in your mobile, the steps include a few more clicks. So let’s see how to delete YouTube watch history in android app. The iOS and Android app for YouTube is the same in appearance and so the following steps are the same for iOS and Android devices.

Final note

I hope you like the guide How to clear history of YouTube on Android, iOS and web. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.