How to Change Birthday on Facebook – Guide

Wake up up for a lot of heartfelt birthday wishes from your Facebook friends can be a great feeling. But that’s only if the day is really your birthday. Receiving birthday wishes on a day that is not your birthday is something that everyone with a fake birth date on their Facebook profile has either experienced or should expect soon. Log into in your browser, log in and navigate to your profile. You can access your profile by clicking on your name in the left sidebar or by clicking on the icon with your photo in the header of the page. If you’ve ever received greetings from your Facebook friends on a date that wasn’t your birthday, this article is for you. we show you how to change your birth date on Facebook to prevent these wishes from arriving on the wrong date. Before we get into the steps to change your birthdate on Facebook, let’s cover some preliminary information. Firstly, you can only change your birthday on Facebook once every two weeks. If you’ve recently changed yours, you may need to wait a while before changing it.


Login to Facebook account

go to profile

Go to the section about

Click on date of birth

Click on the Edit button button corresponding to the date of birth

Set a new date of birth

Save updated DOB

Mobile Application:

Login to Facebook account

Open the facebook menu

open profile

Click on the three dots

Go to the basic information section

Click on the Edit button

Set new date of birth

save modification

Final note

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