How To Block Websites In Safari Browser On Your Mac – Guide

If you manage multiple Macs for a business or organization, or you simply want to prevent children in your household from accessing adult websites, there will likely come a time when you will want to block websites on one Mac. Apple’s parental controls (in the built-in Screen Time app) can help, but it can also be a bit of a blunt tool, and there may be times when you want to block websites in Safari on your Mac without parental controls. Blocking websites on Mac is easy, you can use Screen Time to control Mac usage and there are several parental control tools to restrict content. the screen time feature on Mac is a new feature and is available on macOS Catalina or later versions. If your Mac is using an older version, you will not be able to use Screen Time feature. Using Screen Time restricts the user’s access to the Internet. Blocking websites can be useful if you don’t want other people to use your Mac to access sites like social media, social networks, adult content, and more. While you want to have free reign over your devices, there are some sites that you prefer younger users to access due to inappropriate content.

How to block websites in Safari browser [Mac]

To use Screen Time, make sure your Mac is up so far it needs macOS Catalina or later version, otherwise it won’t work. After upgrading to macOS Catalina, follow these steps

Final note

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