How to Add/Remove Widgets from Mac’s Notification Center – Guide

With macOS 11 Big Sur, Apple has redesigned the Notification Center. Now it’s a single column of notifications and widgets to give you quick information with just one click. Let’s take a look at the new notification center and How to customize it to your liking. On macOS Big Sur, access the Notification Center by clicking the date in the menu bar at the top right of the screen. There is no longer an icon for the notification center. Notifications appear in the notification center at the top. Clicking on a notification takes you to the relevant app. For example, when you click on a message notification, the Messages app opens. Notifications are grouped together when you have multiple notifications from an app. For example, if you have message notifications active, the notifications will be grouped for each message source and clicking on one of them will expand the grouping so you can see all the notifications on your Mac. This widget compilation of all the things to which you want instant access can be customized to individual preferences. Of course, these widgets shouldn’t pollute the notification center at will. Users must enable them unless they are standard widgets, which are already enabled.

Add/Remove Widgets in Notification Center

Click the notification center icon in the top right menu bar. Make sure you’re on the Notification Center’s Today tab. Scroll all the way down. You can see one of two things; an edit button or a new one button. The new button it also shows how many new widgets can be activated. Regardless of what you see, click Edit or New button. The notification center will expand and show a new window with all the widgets you can enable. Click on the plus sign button next to a widget and it will be added to the Today tab in Notification Center. To remove a widget, look at the ones listed in the left pane and click the red minus sign button in the upper left corner of a widget. When you are done adding and removing widgets, click the Done button button in the lower left corner or click anywhere outside the notification center. Adding widgets is very easy, but just because you’ve added a widget doesn’t mean it will work. It may depend on specific permissions or have issues of its own. Sometimes a widget just needs a little time to fetch and display information. Widgets are a great way to get a quick look at live data, but the widget itself has to pull the data and it can be slow at times. Adding and removing a widget can be useful in rare cases.

Final note

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