How to Add Custom DNS Server On your iPhone – Guide

If websites take longer than necessary to load on an iPhone or iPad, the problem could be caused by your ISP’s slow DNS server. We advise updating your iOS device’s network settings to use a different DNS service than the one provided as part of the Wi-Fi connection settings. The Domain Name System (DNS) is a way for computers to find out where to find certain websites and services online. DNS works as a directory assistance service or phone book for the Internet. It takes the domain name requested by a browser and returns the IP address, which is used by the browser to connect to the desired destination. Typically, the DNS server is automatically assigned to a device when it connects to a network and is usually a server operated by the ISP for the connection. For most users this is fine, but there are a number of other DNS servers on the Internet that can be used. Depending on the ISP, the DNS server may not update as quickly as others to reflect domain name changes, so in some cases the website may not be accessible and users may be directed to the wrong IP address. Some DNS servers update faster than others, so they are more likely to have the latest address information after this change. Depending on the size of the ISP and the resources it uses to run its DNS server, the reliability and speed of the service can decrease if too many requests are made at the same time. Extremely large third-party DNS services are often better equipped to handle massive loads from their users.

How to Add Custom DNS Server on iPhone

Final note

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