How to Add Bullet Points in an MS Excel Spreadsheet – Guide

Microsoft Excel is all about numbers. But it is also used to work with text data such as task lists, bulletin boards, workflows and the like. In this case, presenting the information correctly is very important. And the best thing you can do to make your list or steps easier to read is to use bullet points. The bad news is that Excel doesn’t offer a built-in bulleted list feature like most word processors, including Microsoft Word. In Excel, we mostly use serial numbers, but when you’re working in lists, it’s better to use bullets. I mostly use bulleted lists to record my daily work (to-do lists, important points). Now comes the bad news. In Excel, there is no standard way to insert a bullet like in Microsoft Word. A spreadsheet is a file made up of cells in rows and columns that can help organize, calculate, and sort data. Data in a worksheet can be numeric values, as well as text, formulas, references, and functions. Rows in a table have numerical names (1, 2, 3, etc.) to indicate their position in the grid.

adding bookmarks

To insert bullets in Microsoft Excel, you need to add a symbol.

Insert bookmarks in Excel for Mac

Adding a bookmark to a blank cell in Microsoft Excel on Mac requires following a slightly different process. However, it is much easier than the Windows version steps.

Final note

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