Guide: Does Toothpaste Truly Make A CD Or DVD Work Again?

There are times when someone is so desperate to get the data off a CD or DVD that you are willing to try anything no matter how stupid it may be.  This is exactly what happened to me last Sunday night.

I’ve heard for years that toothpaste makes a scratched optical disc readable again. I never believed it. I had a CD that I burned six years ago that would fail on any attempt to get an optical drive to read it, but I kept it anyway in the hope that one day I would find a way to make it legible again. The disc was slightly scratched and I have certainly seen one in much worse condition. One time I even got a cracked CD read out – although I wouldn’t recommend it as it can fall apart in the drive and spread itty bits all over the place, completely destroying the inside of the optical bay. That didn’t happen to me, but it could. As a last try, I tried the toothpaste method because, damn, I want the f ** king data off this drive, and if not, it’s thrown away. Six years is long enough to wait for something. I rubbed the paste so that it completely covered the data side of the disc, let it dry for a few minutes, then rinsed it thoroughly and dried it with kitchen paper. I expected this to do nothing but actually clean the drive and nothing else, thinking, “This is going to be a good article for PCMech as it will prove beyond any doubt that this never works.” After the disc dried completely, I tossed it in the bay and waited a few seconds. Nothing. But the reading pattern was slightly different from before (I could tell by the sound) and the activity light was flickering quickly. Okay then … I’ll leave it in the driveway for a minute or two, then give it up because I know this is going to fail again. About 90 seconds later, Windows jumps up a prompt asking if I want to see the contents of the disk. What? This disc is now readable? Not really! Way. I was surprised, delighted, shocked and whatever other descriptive feeling you want to have with that. Not only did the disk read, but I was able to copy every file from it, at a bloody slow speed, but it also worked. Also no damaged files! HOWEVER .. I am still not convinced it was the toothpaste that saved the drive. As far as I know, this could have been pure silly luck that the disc read this time and not all those other times. Articles, some of which go back years, claim that optical disc toothpaste acts as a mild polish. What supposedly happens is that if you polish enough, it removes a small layer of plastic, fills in the areas caused by the scratches and makes scratched optical discs legible again. But I still don’t know if I will buy that too. What do you think? Was I just lucky or did the toothpaste really work?

Does Toothpaste Truly Make A CD Or DVD Work Again?: benefits


Final note

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