Guide: Best Music For Improv­ing Focus While Working

I don’t need to tell you that if you study, work or just try to focus, sometimes some kind of music helps. Of course, it won’t help to blow up hip hop if you’re trying to memorize the periodic table. It is the same if you are trying to perform complex tasks at work. But some kind of music is always a great kicker. Something to get your blood pumping, get you out of a lazy trance and focus on work. Of course, this music cannot be fair each music. It can’t be the last Top 40 charts. It must meet a number of criteria. Not having lyrics helps. Electronic music is amazingly appropriate here. Even classical / jazz will do. If you are still unsure whether to listen to music while you work / study, read this excellent Lifehacker article. And then join us below as I talk about some of my favorite songs / albums to listen to while I work.

1. All Day – Girl Talk (Mashup)

All Day is not a normal album (it is also explicit). It’s a mashup album. It’s actually a 71-minute DJ track that flows wonderfully. The artist samples a song for 20-30 seconds, mixing it with the beats of another song. It is awesome. I first heard CGP Gray talk about it on Cortex and it’s been my go-to pump ever since up album. That’s because it has a great intro. It starts slow, goes up until 11, and never comes back. Normally I don’t like to listen to songs with lyrics while working, but here I don’t mind. Because it’s not really lyrics, more fragments. Moreover, there are always 3 different types of music that drown out the lyrics. All Day is mainly a mix of electronica, rock and pop. If you’re more into rap and hip hop, check out Girl Talk’s equally awesome album Feed The Animals. Now, because these are mashup albums. You won’t find them easily on any streaming service. But you can get them on a pay-what-you-want basis right from the artist’s website.

2. Amelie Soundtrack (instrumental)

The exact opposite of All Day is Amelie’s soundtrack. If you’ve seen the movie, you must have been impressed by the soundtrack. I was. For me the music is really soothing. And I usually put it on at night or when I want to calm down. The soundtracks from Midnight to Paris (iTunes) and The Lord of the Rings (iTunes) have the same effect on me as well. Also everything about my Frank Sinatra that I’ve already heard. I don’t have extensive knowledge when it comes to Miles Davis or Nina Simone, but I bet any smooth jazz will have the same effect. Explore more with Apple Music: I recently started using Apple Music to discover more music that I might like and so far I’m really enjoying their Sunday Morning Jazz playlist. They also have an entire curation department devoted to “work” and “study” activities. You will surely find good things there. Know how to get there, check out my article.

3. Go classic

There is such a thing as “The Mozart Effect”. In short, a lot of studies show that listening to Mozart’s music can improve your performance – at least in the short term. I mean, when science says it, it has to be right. I can personally say it is effective. Listening to Beethoven’s symphonies or Mozart or Bach. I’m not really a loser for classical music. It doesn’t orgasmically make my eyes roll back into my brain. But it is fun. There is a flow. There is a rhythm. The instruments are clear, sometimes to an error. But overall, it’s a solid alternative to listening to something like the Amelie soundtrack. It’s like Jazz before there was Jazz, you know. Yes, I am super knowledgeable when it comes to music.

4. Duet by Tim Shiel (Game Music)

When I played the puzzle game Duet and got frustrated every 30 seconds, the background music was what kept me going. It was really good. So I looked at it upThe soundtrack is by Tim Shiel and is available on Bandcamp on a pay-what-you-want model. It’s been written about before, but game soundtracks work especially well when you’re trying to work. Because they are designed to help you focus on the game and forget about the rest of the world. Duet’s soundtrack is eccentrically electronic and I like that. The Fez soundtrack is also similar. See more recommendations for game soundtracks here.

5. Retroactive Pt. 1

Retro-Active Pt 1 is a project by Keiji Yamagishi, a musician specializing in game soundtracks. And man is this album good. It’s kind of like All Day in that it’s eccentric, gets my blood pumping, but somehow it also manages to put a smile on my face. I don’t know if it’s because it sounds like every ’90s game intro or if it’s the sick beats. Anyway, I like it a lot. The album is available on Apple Music and the remixed version is available to stream for free on SoundCloud.

And you?

What do you listen to while you work? Feel free to share the soundtracks you can focus on in the comments below.

Best Music For Improv­ing Focus While Working: benefits


Final note

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