Guide: Beginners Guide to React.js

React.js is a flexible and component based JavaScript library for building interactive user interfacesIt was created and open source by Facebook and is used by many leading technology companies such as Dropbox, AirBnB, PayPal and Netflix. React empowers developers create data-heavy apps that can be painlessly updated through Render only the necessary components It is reacting View the MVC software design pattern layer, and mainly focuses on DOM manipulationSince everyone is talking about React these days, we’ll look at how to do that in this post get to work with it

Install React

You can also install React with the npm package manager or by manually add the necessary libraries to your HTML page. It is recommended with React with Babel that enables you use the ECMAScript6 syntax and JSX in your React code. If you want Install React manually, the official documents recommend use this HTML fileYou can download the page by clicking the File> Save Page As … menu in your browser. The scripts you need (React, React DOM, Babel) are also downloaded to the react-example_files / folder. Then add the following script tags to the

Instead of downloading them, you can add the React scripts from CDN also. -tag. Merk op dat als je dat wilt gebruik de JSX-syntaxis, moet u het kenmerk type = ”text / babel” toevoegen om laat Babel de compilatie uitvoeren​ We represent our React element with the ReactDOM.render () method which has two required parameters, the Reply element button> Click on me ) and its container (document.getElementById (‘myDiv’)). You can read more at how React elements work in the “Rendering Elements” section of the documents.

Create components

React components to be reusable, independent UI units where you can easily update the data. A component can consist of one or more React elements. Props to be random input you can use to pass data to a component. A React component works similar to JavaScript functions - every time it is called, it is generates some kind of output You can either use the classic function syntax or the new ES6 class syntax to define a React componentIn this article I will use the latter, as Babel allows us to use ECMAScript 6. If you are interested in how to create a component without ES6, then check out the Components and Props page of the docs. Below you can see the simple React component we are going to make as an example. It is a simple notification that the user sees after logging into a site. There are three types of data that will change from case to case: the name of the user, the number of messages and the number of notifications, we pass them on as props

Each React component is a JavaScript class that uses extends the React.Component base classOur component will be called Statistics because it gives the user a basic statistic. First, we create the class Stats with the Stats class, React.Component {…} extends syntax, and then we display it on the screen by calling the ReactDOM.render () method (we’ve already used the latter in the previous section). class Stats extends React.Component {render () {return ( Hi {} out, you have {this.props.notifications} new notifications and {this.props.messages} new messages. );}} ReactDOM.render (, document.getElementById (/ 2016myStats ”)); The first argument of the ReactDOM.render () method consists of the name of our React component (), and are props (name, notifications and messages) with their values. When we declare the values ​​of the props must be strings within quotation marks (such as “John Doe”) and numeric values in braces (such as {3}). Note that because of JavaScript used className instead of class to pass a class attribute to an HTML tag (className = “summary”). The corresponding HTML page is the following:

There are many other cool examples in the React docs how to build and manage React components, and what else you need to know about props

Read further

With React, Facebook introduced a new kind of framework in front-end development that challenges the MV * design patternIf you want to better understand how it works and what you can and cannot achieve with it, here are some interesting articles that can help:

Facebook’s blog post on why they built React Andrew Ray’s brilliant blog post about the good and the bad of React Codementor on how React and AngularJS compare FreeCodeCamp’s thought on whether MVC is dead on the front HackerNoon’s article on how to Optimize React-related performance

Beginners Guide to React.js: benefits


Final note

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