The JBL Quantum ONE is a wired headset with RGB lighting, active noise cancellation, and unique audio spatialization technology. Weighing in at 369 grams, the headset is rather heavy, but fortunately the padding on the headband and ear cups help keep it comfortable even after several hours of use. The weight makes the headset feel sturdy and well-made, but the extensive use of plastic in the construction detracts from its value somewhat. Also, the ear cups can be rotated to lie flat on a surface, and the headband can be easily adjusted up and down to fit different head sizes. The Quantum ONE has a large number of buttons on the left ear cup that allow the user to adjust the numerous functions. There is a volume control, a button to mute the microphone, a button to toggle active noise cancellation, and finally a button to center the headset when using QuantumSPHERE 360 Head Tracking. While that’s an intimidating number of buttons to consider when trying out the headset for the first time, you quickly get used to knowing where the main controls are. The headset also features an inline jog wheel control that allows the user to balance the volume of the game they’re playing versus a Discord call or other audio output. This dial is very well made and pleasant to use. The JBL Quantum ONE is a very solid choice for a high-end gaming headset. The additional jog wheel for adjusting game and voice chat volume makes long Discord gaming nights almost effortless. The detachable microphone and multiple connection options make the headset suitable for a variety of constellations. Most importantly, the headset sounds great in a variety of games. The JBL Quantum ONE has two main connectivity options. The first is to use the included USB-A to USB-C cable with an inline jog wheel that offers a full range of features, including better microphone support, RGB lighting, and active noise cancellation. The other option is to use the included 3.5mm headphone cable, which makes this headset fully compatible with a number of different game consoles and handheld devices, but sacrifices some features. The JBL Quantum ONE has a fairly even frequency response across the spectrum, but with some deviations in the high-frequency range. The most noticeable deviation from our target curve is between 2 and 6 kHz, which can sometimes cause sibilants to sound harsh. Apart from that, however, the headset has quite good bass and midrange reproduction, with only a slight dip around 200 Hz.